Starting Off 2024 at Full English Post: Here's What's New

Hey everyone, Happy New Year! Can you believe it's already 2024? We sure can't. But we're excited and ready to roll.

Here's a little update on what's happening at our cozy Brooklyn studio.

A Mix of Everything

This year is all about embracing a wide range of projects. We're talking indie films, commercials, podcasts, TV shows, you name it.

We love the diversity of sound and stories that come through our doors. Every new project is unique, and we're here for it.

Podcasters, Come On Over

Heads up, podcasters! Our suites are ready and waiting for you. 

Whether you're just starting your podcast journey or you're a seasoned pro, we've got the perfect spot for you to record. 

Come and make your podcast sound as amazing as it deserves to be. Reach out to learn more!

Team Growth and New Faces

We're excited to announce that our team is growing! 

We've got some new faces around the studio. It's always great to add more talent to the team, and we can't wait for you to meet them. 

Follow us on our social media to stay tuned!

A Year of Collaborations

Collaboration is the name of the game in 2024. We're looking forward to partnering with more local artists, filmmakers, and creatives, building relationships that transcend the usual client-studio dynamic. 

Brooklyn is a melting pot of talent, and we can't wait to mix it up! Reach out today to learn how we can work together.

Always Here for a Chat

Our door's always open, whether you're dropping by for a project or just to catch up. We're about more than just great sound – we're about great company too. So come in, have a coffee, and let's talk.

Here's to a Great Year

That's the scoop from us. We're keeping things simple and focused on what we do best: bringing stories to life with sound. 

Here's to a year of great projects, new partnerships, and great conversations.

Cheers to new beginnings!


Have you met our team yet? 


2023, You Were Something Special!